Story of Sage Vishwamitra


The story of Sage Vishwamitra spans across the spectrum of Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Itihasas, and the verbal testimony of our elders. We have collected these stories and weaved them together as a compelling read with Gond style tribal illustrations. Your purchase of this book, helps us do Sanatana dharma prorogation in rural villages and also revives such lost art traditions.

Product Details

  • Language: English
  • Paper: Colour | Art Paper
  • No. of Pages: 48 (including cover)
  • ISBN: 978-81-936916-5-6
  • Book Code: PRSNL-E016
  • Weight: 0.138 kg
  • Dimensions: 23.5 x 17.5 x 0.3 cm

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