Lord Krishna Toddler’s Board Book


Let’s get Krishna to be your toddler’s best friend. This sturdy board book with captivating images of Krishna’s pastimes, creative designs and colours as well as large fonts will imprint your toddlers mind with wonderful qualities of Krishna like caring, sharing, being brave and kind. A perfect book to show and read to a toddler. One of its kind, must have!

Product Details

  • Language: English
  • Paper: Board Book | Color
  • No. of Pages: 22 (including cover)
  • ISBN:  978-81-939375-7-0
  • Book Code: PASTM-E020
  • Weight: 0.450g
  • Dimensions: 28 x 20 x 1 cm


SKU: PASTM-E025-1 Categories: ,

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